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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

 Third graders looked at a drawing study of the human head by Leonardo Da Vinci. The students learned that 1/2 between the top of the head and chin are the eyes, 1/2 between the eyes and chin is the bottom of the nose, and 1/2 between the nose and chin are the lips. Using this facial proportion they measured the faces of recognizable people such President Obama, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Tom Brady. They found that everyone’s face is different but the facial proportions are a good guideline for drawing faces. 

Drawing portraits can be nerve-racking. To get the students to draw what they see and not worry about the final product, I had them practice blind contour drawing. First, without looking at their paper, they drew the person sitting across from them. They were encouraged to take their time and let what they see translate to their pencil. Then using mirrors they did blind drawings of their own faces. The purpose of this exercise was not to draw a realistic portrait but to train the eyes and drawing hand to work together.

The students had fun with these drawings. Each portrait was like a surprise. 

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