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Thursday, December 20, 2012

textured clay ornaments

The kindergartners have been learning about textures. Last week we talked about visual texture so this week they experimented with real textures. Just like the term implies, we see visual textures in drawings or paintings but real textures can be felt.
First they rolled their clay into round balls and flattened them. Some kids noticed it was like making cookies. Next they used various texture making tools like rolling pins, marker caps, and corduroy fabric to press into the clay. Clay is a great material to experiment with. If you don't like something, you can wipe it away by smoothing it with your fingers. The students were able to great layers of wonderful real textures.
I fired the clay ornaments and the students noticed that just like baking cookie dough in the oven, the ornaments changed. They were tan in color and no longer pliable but hard like glass.

Then they painted them with glaze to add color. Glaze is like paint for ceramics which contains materials that melt in the kiln and turn into a colorful glossy texture. How beautiful!

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